Whole Child Development
Practical Measurement
The Practical Measurement course focuses on four key parameters —appropriateness, utility, feasibility, and rigor— that practitioners should consider when attempting to measure children and adolescents’ learning and development. Dr. Nikhit D’Sa guides users through the self-paced modules, sharing practical measurement and evaluation guidance, insights, tips, and resources. Explore the modules in any order you wish, collect Dr. D’Sa’s recommendations on additional measurement and evaluation resources from global organizations, and begin to develop a plan to simply and effectively measure and evaluate children and adolescents’ outcomes in your context.
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L3 Equity Initiative in Haiti
The GC-DWC Haiti activates parish networks to meet children’s holistic needs at all three levels of their social ecology: the home (lakay), school (lekòl), and church (legliz) or L3. Innovative interventions occur within the L3 system and include everything from integrating child development and positive parenting messages into sermons and baptismal preparation courses to introducing nutrition education and resources to combat stunting within schools to creating community resource centers for play and learning.
Measuring What Matters: Dr. Neil Boothby
An explanation around the importance of research led programming, using the example of the on-going work on reforming the TVET sector in Kenya and using the community as a unit for change.
Measuring What Matters: Michael Ward
Outline of WCD within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Framework and the importance of furthering SDG Target 4.7: sustainable development and global citizenship.
Measuring What Matters: Oscar Sanchez
An overview of the importance of sharing education learning nationally and globally, while also taking into account local realities.
Measuring What Matters: Helyn Kim
A reflection on the importance of equipping children with 21st century skills and how to approach identifying which skills and how to teach them.
Measuring What Matters: Ramya Vivekanandan
An overview of the challenges of supporting equitable education in developing countries.
L3 Equity Initiative in Haiti
The GC-DWC Haiti activates parish networks to meet children’s holistic needs at all three levels of their social ecology: the home (lakay), school (lekòl), and church (legliz) or L3. Innovative interventions occur within the L3 system and include everything from integrating child development and positive parenting messages into sermons and baptismal preparation courses to introducing nutrition education and resources to combat stunting within schools to creating community resource centers for play and learning.
Beyond Survival: The Case for Investing in Young Children Globally (June 2016), National Academy of Medicine
G. Huebner, N. Boothby*, J. L. Aber, G. L. Darmstadt, A. Diaz, A. S. Masten, H. Yoshikawa, I. Redlener, A. Emmel, M. Pitt, L. Arnold, B. Barber, B. Berman, R. Blum, M. Canavera, J. Eckerle, N. A. Fox, J. L. Gibbons, S. W. Hargarten, C. Landers, C. A. Nelson III, S. D. Pollak, V. Rauh, M. Samson, F. Ssewamala, N. St Clair, L. Stark, R. Waldman, M. Wessells, S. L. Wilson, and C. H. Zeanah
Assessing the impact of microfinance programming on children: an evaluation from post-tsunami Aceh (November 2014), Disasters
Lindsay Stark, Nafessa Kassim, Thalia Sparling, Dale Buscher, Gary Yu, and Neil Boothby*