Shalini Pathi
Shalini is an educator, facilitator, and researcher with over a decade of experience in both the development sector and academia. She has worked as a facilitator with organizations such LaunchGURLs and in research with Women in Informal Employment-Globalizing and Organizing(WIEGO) as well as working at the National Law School India University(NLSIU) and University of Bath. She was a fellow with Teach for India and also an Assistant Professor of Sociology teaching under-graduate students in South India.
Her interests and work are at the intersections of gender, education, and environmental (In)justice and she enjoys working in spaces where there is an emphasis on both research and practice. Her research background is in sociology with a focus on qualitative research in the field urban political ecology. Her skills range from community organizing, restorative justice, narrative practices, trauma, non-violent communication, and oral history. She has been a recipient of various practice based fellowships for facilitations on gender sensitization, mental health, and education along with research based fellowships and courses with University of Bergen and the University of Massachusetts.
Her work at the GC-DWC encompasses support for field training and supervision within Project Sampoorna’s principal and teacher training, along with serving as the research academic lead with our partner organizations.