Mother Tongue Education

Explore Mother Tongue Resources for the Haitian Classroom:
Infographic Sources:
Lucas, A., McEwan, P., Ngware, M., & Oketch, M. (2014). Improving early‐grade literacy in East Africa: Experimental evidence from Kenya and Uganda. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 33(4), 950–976.
UNESCO Bangkok (2005). Advocacy brief on mother tongue-based teaching and education for
Ball, J. (2010). Enhancing learning of children from diverse language backgrounds: Mother tongue‐based bilingual or multilingual education in early childhood and early primary school years. Victoria, BC, Canada: Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships, University of Victoria.
Spratt, J., Ralaingita, W., Fomba, C., & Diawara, M. (2013). Evaluation of Mali’s mother‐tongue early grade “Read Learn Lead” program: Year 2 technical follow‐up report with focus on teacher and classroom practice. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International.
Kosonen, K. (2005). Education in local languages: Policy and practice in Southeast Asia. First languages first: Community-based literacy programmes for minority language contexts in Asia. Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok.
Piper, B., Schroeder, L., & Trudell, B. (2016). Oral reading fluency and comprehension in Kenya: Reading acquisition in a multilingual environment. Journal of Research in Reading, 39(2), 133–152.