Kristi Donaldson
Kristi Donaldson is a Partner Relations Manager in the Learning Partnership based in Chicago. Learning Partnership works with Chicago and Milwaukee Public Schools on computer science/STEM education projects. Kristi's role is in partnering and maintaining relationships across school districts, universities, and organizations, and collaborating on research, data, and stakeholder/public informing.
Following graduation at the University of Notre Dame, Kristi was a Postdoctoral Associate in Education Research and Policy in the Newark City of Learning Collaborative (NCLC) and the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University-Newark. Her work includes the development of NCLC’s data infrastructure, including measurement of key educational indicators, and a report on Newark students’ post-secondary pathways and outcomes with faculty at SPAA.
Kristi earned her Ph.D. in Sociology with a minor in Gender Studies from the University of Notre Dame, with concentrations in education, statistics, and research methods. Her research focuses on educational equity, school segregation, and tracking, particularly related to advanced courses and programs at the high school level. Prior to coming to RU-N, she was the coordinator of the Program for Interdisciplinary Educational Research in the Institute for Educational Initiatives, and a research assistant in the Center for Research on Educational Opportunity, both at Notre Dame. She also served on the American Educational Research Association’s Division G Executive Board.