Julianne Turner
Turner's (Ph.D., Psychology) interests are in the relationship between student motivation and learning and classroom and school contexts. She has investigated factors that contribute to motivation for literacy in primary grade children, on children's intrinsic motivation for and involvement in learning mathematics in upper elementary and middle school classrooms, and on the development of students' avoidance goals in mathematics across the transition to middle school.
She is currently involved in a collaboration with intermediate school math teachers, focusing on teachers’ understanding of and application of principles of motivation and how teachers change their beliefs and instructional practices. Turner is particularly interested in an ecological approach to research that examines the interaction of phenomena at the personal, interpersonal, and organizational levels. She uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods including surveys, interviews, and observations whose goal is to understand individuals and their contexts. She teaches courses related to aspects of educational psychology such as motivation, emotion, and learning and instruction in literacy and mathematics.
Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Turner, J. C., Gray, D. L., Anderman L. H., Dawson, H., & Anderman, E. A. (2013). Getting to Know My Teacher: Does the Relation between Perceived Mastery Goal Structures and Perceived Teacher Support Change Across the School Year? Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 316–327.
*Fulmer, S. M. & Turner, J. C. (in press). The Perception and Implementation of Challenging Instruction by Middle School Teachers: Overcoming Pressures from Students. Elementary School Journal.
Turner, J. C., Warzon, K. B., & *Christensen, A. L. (2011). Motivating Mathematics Learning: Changes in Teachers’ Practices and Beliefs during a Nine-Month Collaboration. American Educational Research Journal, 48, 718 - 762.
*Friedel, J. M., Cortina, K. S., Turner, J. C., & Midgley, C. (2010). Changes in efficacy beliefs in mathematics across the transition to middle school: Examining the effects ofperceived teacher and parent goal emphases. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Kelly, S., & Turner, J. C. (2009). Rethinking the Effects of Classroom Activity Structure on the Engagement of Low- Achieving Students. Teachers College Record, 111, 1665-1692. http://www.tcrecord.org ID Number: 15308, Date Accessed: 10/30/2009 11:39:13 AM.
Schweinle, A., Turner, J. C., & Meyer, D.K. (2009). Understanding Young Adolescents' Optimal Experiences in Academic Settings. Journal of Experimental Education, 77,125-146.
Turner, J. C., & Patrick, H. (2008). How does Motivation Develop and Why does it Change? Reframing Motivation Research. Educational Psychologist, 43, 1-13.
Cortina, K. S., *Friedel, J. M., & Turner, J. C. (2007). Classroom goal structure and students'coping with negative feedback: Longitudinal findings from the USA. Zeitschrift Fur Padagogik, 53, 758-773.
*Friedel, J. M., Cortina, K. S., Turner, J. C., & Midgley, C. (2007). Achievement goals, efficacy beliefs and coping strategies in mathematics: The roles of perceived parent and teacher goal emphases. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 32, 434-458.
Turner, J. C. (2006). Measuring Self-Regulation: A Focus on Activity. Educational Psychology Review, 18, 293-296.