Dan Lapsley
Daniel Lapsley is a professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame. Lapsley’s research focuses on various topics in adolescent social cognitive and personality development, including work on adolescent invulnerability and risk behavior, narcissism, separation-individuation, self, ego and identity development, and college adjustment. He also studies the moral dimensions of personality and other topics in moral psychology and has written on moral identity and moral and character education.
Professor Lapsley is the author or editor of seven books and has published over 125 articles and chapters on various topics on adolescent development and educational psychology. He currently serves on the editorial boards of the periodicals Human Development, Applied Developmental Science, Educational Psychologist, and the Journal of Early Adolescence.
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
(*denotes students)
Lapsley, D. & Carlo, G. (2014). Moral development at the crossroad: New trends and possible futures. Developmental Psychology.
Lapsley, D. (2014. The promise and peril of coming of age in the 21st century. (Target paper with invited peer commentary). Journal of Research on Character Education.
Stey, P.*, McKeever, M. & Lapsley, D. (2013). Moral judgment in adolescents: Age differences in applying and justifying three principles of harm. European Journal of Developmental Psychology.
Hill, P.L.*, Duggan, P.* & Lapsley, D. K. (in press). Subjective invulnerability, risk behavior and adjustment in early adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence.
Bowman, N. A., Brandenberger, J. W., Hill, P. L.*, & Lapsley, D. K. (in press). The long-term impact of college diversity experiences: Well-being and social concerns 13 years after graduation. Journal of College Student Development.
Bowman, N., Brandenberger, J., Lapsley, D.K., Hill, P.*, & Quaranto, J. (in press). Serving in college, flourishing in adulthood: Does community engagement during the college years predict adult well-being. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being.
Lapsley, D., & Narvaez, D. (2011). Moral criteria and character education: A reply to Welch. Journal of Moral Education, 40 (4):527-531.
Lapsley, D.K. & Hill, P.* (2010). Subjective invulnerability, optimism bias and adjustment in emerging adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39, 847-857.
Lapsley, D.K. (2010). Moral agency, identity and narrative in moral development. Human Development, 53, 87-97.
Hill, P. L.*, Burrow, A. L., Lapsley, D. K., Brandenberger, J. W., & Quaranto, J. C. (2010) Purpose orientations and development in emerging and middle adulthood. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 31, 173-179.