Francesca Ciaramitaro


Francesca Ciaramitaro has taught middle school English Language Arts at Incarnation School in New York City for four years, and she’s currently pursuing a master’s degree in Educational Leadership with Notre Dame’s Remick Leadership Program. Her research as an O'Shaughnessy Fellow has focused on literature circles and their impact on students’ comprehension, engagement, and participation. As someone who deeply values community and relationships, she loves hosting after-school study programs, coaching basketball and track, and teaching cooking classes with the Read a Recipe for Literacy program. Francesca is committed to fostering a compassionate, equity-oriented classroom environment and is most fulfilled when her students feel fulfilled by their academic and personal growth. Her students’ wacky senses of humor and middle school quirkiness make it easy to find joy in each day at Incarnation!

Francesca Ciaramitaro