Program Evaluation and Research

Designing and implementing comprehensive studies that explore the success and impacts of educational programs.



The primary goal of the Program Evaluation and Research Team is to engage collaboratively with program leaders and faculty to design and implement comprehensive studies that explore the success and impacts of educational programs. The team also works to build essential feedback loops, data systems, and strategic plans for the many programs across the IEI that it serves, in order to advance a culture of continuous improvement across the Institute. The majority of the team’s effort is focused on providing evaluation and research support for all of the programs associated with the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE).

Policy on ACE-Affiliated Research, Professional Publications, and Scholarly Activities

The Alliance for Catholic Education supports research, publication and projects for the advancement of educational knowledge and welcomes the opportunity to collaborate on research that makes significant contributions to the growing field of Catholic Education. Official ACE support of research activities may come in one or a combination of forms, including: 1) direct collaboration on the study or project team, 2) sharing program data collected for evaluation purposes; or 3) facilitating access to ACE-affiliated programs, participants, schools, or students.

All research-related requests received by ACE must be reviewed by the Program Evaluation and Research team of the Institute for Educational Initiatives at the University of Notre Dame. The IEI Program Evaluation and Research Team is responsible for providing access to ACE participants and negotiating access to ACE schools for the purposes of scientific research, professional publications, and informal or popular publications and activities. To ensure fairness and equity in the review of research proposals, the policies outlined below apply to all internal and external research, publications and activities that focus on ACE participants and staff, ACE documents, and ACE practices.

View the Policy 

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