Health and Nutrition

Early Childhood Education Summer Camp

The GC-DWC's early childhood education summer camp in Haiti, utilizes play based learning as an instrument to transform the classroom and school culture into a fun and safe environment for children to learn.

Measuring What Matters: Kanthi Krishnamurthy

Overview of the interventions led by Dream a Dream and the importance of policy advocacy in India.

Baptism & ECD (Systems Activation Spotlight)

Recognizing that each Catholic parish in Haiti runs a school and is deeply embedded in local culture and home life, the GC-DWC works with local parish priests to integrate contextually relevant early childhood education materials into baptismal training.

Nutrition is essential to building child resilience (Systems Activation Spotlight)

Recognizing the negative impact of undernutrition on children's development, the GC-DWC works with local schools and parishes in Haiti to integrate healthy nutrition messaging into school curriculums. 

Eat the Rainbow - Manje Lakansyèl

Nutrition plays an important role in the physical and mental development of children. The GC-DWC and its partner Lakou Kajou-Medya Edikatif pou Timoun are launching a video on how parents can properly feed their children using local food.

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“What’s happening in Syria even affects the rocks”: a qualitative study of the Syrian refugee experience accessing noncommunicable disease services in Jordan (June 2019), Conflict and Health

Z. McNatt, PE. Freels, H. Chandler,*, M Fawad, S. Qarmout, AS. Al-Oraibi, N. Al-Tammi, and N. Boothby*


Rethinking Child Protection in Emergencies (May 2018), International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition

Cyril Bennouna, Hana-Tina Fischer, Michael Wessells, and Neil Boothby*
