Sofia Duenas


Sofia Dueñas is a doctoral student in sociology. Her research interests center around stratification in K-12 schools and the ways in which data and intervention resources can disrupt these patterns. Some of her current work examines a third-grade reading and retention policy in Indiana and its impacts across racial-ethnic and socioeconomic groups. 

She is an affiliate of the Center for Research on Educational Opportunity, the Institute for Race and Resilience, and a Burns Fellow in the Program for Interdisciplinary Education Research (ND PIER). She is also a graduate student research affiliate with the Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE).

She received her B.A. in Sociology & Education from Whittier College and her M.A. in Urban Education from Loyola Marymount University. Prior to Notre Dame, Sofia taught first and second grade in Los Angeles. 

Burns Fellow
CREO Graduate Student

Sofia Duenas